“Live Activated” is the core philosophy and message behind the brand of AVALON7.  On the surface it simply means to get out and do what you love- Seek the Stoke!

On a deeper level it is a self- actualized mindset that leads to exploring the limits of human potential and living each day to its fullest.

Sports like snowboarding, skiing, surfing and skating connect us to a state of flow and pure mind- to put it simply we get STOKED.  These sports can also teach us important lessons that we can carry through to our everyday lives, like how to Center, Focus, and Flow.

The AVALON7 Activate Technique- Center Focus Flow



The Activate Technique is a simple set of skills that you can use to help you to stay centered and mindful in any situation, so that you can activate your highest potential and stay stoked.  These skills are CENTER, FOCUS and FLOW.

Activate Technique Center
  • Take a deep breath and slow your roll.
  • Find your physical center.
  • Bring your focus to your center by imagining energy being brought into it and coming out of it.
  • Connect with the world around you and ground yourself through your feet.
Activate Technique: Center


Activate Technique Focus
  • Acknowledge the situation and how you feel.
  • Use Focused Breath: Breathe out for a longer count than you breathe in. 4 counts in 6 counts out. This a great technique for managing anxiety.
  • Become aware of your judgements.
  • Stop negative self talk.
  • Choose a positive outlook.
  • Visualize your path.
Activate Technique: Focus


Activate Technique Flow
  • Maintain your vision.
  • Be Grateful.
  • Smile.
  • Choose the moment.
  • Drop in.
Activate Technique: Flow


Rob Kingwill dropping in to Once is Enough coulior at Jackson Hole, Activate Technique


To help you remember this process use the acronym ACTivate.

Aware/Accept- Become conscious of how your mind and body are reacting.

Center- Take a deep breath, pause and find your center by touching your thumbs to your body’s physical center.

Transform- Take another deep breath and start to notice what you are focused on.  Monitor your self talk. Smile. Stay Positive. Be grateful.

Once you are centered and Activated, drop in and FLOW.




Developed by Rob Kingwill during his years of World Cup snowboard competition and coaching some of the world’s best athletes and business people, the Activate Technique is simple and effective.  It is based on techniques used in the martial art of Aikido and on modern positive psychology research.

Our Live Activated seminars teach you the basic principles of centering, ways to use breathwork to change your focus and control your snake brain, and be able to enter a state mindfulness and flow more easily in your life.

Contact Rob Kingwill at for more information on holding a Live Activated seminar for your team or school.

Please check out the links and videos below for more exploration and inspiration!





Aikido Master Tom Crum 

Positive Psychology PHD Barbera Fredrickson 

Recognizing Irrational Beliefs- Behavioral Therapist Albert Ellis 

Flow Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihaly

Rapt by Winifred Galagher  

The Happiness Project


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