+ "I know of no more encouraging fact than our unquestionable ability to elevate our lives by conscious endeavor" Henry David Thoreau #avalon7 #liveactivated www.avalon7.co KINGER, April 21, 2016April 21, 2016, @AVALON7 INSTAGRAM PHOTOS, 0
+ Life is about finding that which sets your soul on fire. #avalon7 #liveactivated #createyourfuture www.avalon7.co KINGER, October 27, 2015October 27, 2015, @AVALON7 INSTAGRAM PHOTOS, 0
+ Shred all day. Serve sushi all night. Repeat. @cooperk has it figured out. Rocking the Teton Classic FaceShield under all that pow. #AVALON7 #seekthestoke #snowboarding KINGER, January 31, 2019January 31, 2019, @AVALON7 INSTAGRAM PHOTOS, 0
+ Choose wisely. #futurepositiv regram from @auhqualechekee #avalon7 #mindyourmind www.avalon7.co KINGER, June 17, 2014June 17, 2014, @AVALON7 INSTAGRAM PHOTOS, 0
+ Not a bad place for a pick up. @sethwescott and @robkingwill got a chance to rip epic slush lines in Greenland this spring while filming with @warrenmillerent and @llbean. Check in the new film coming out this fall! #avalon7 #liveactivated #snowboarding KINGER, June 19, 2016June 19, 2016, @AVALON7 INSTAGRAM PHOTOS, 0
+ Reminder: #DoEpicShit. Life is short, make the most of it. A7 team rider @sethwescott gets ready for another epic day of heli in Mt Cook, New Zealand. @llbean @wintersticksnowboards @warrenmillerent www.a-7.vo KINGER, July 20, 2017July 20, 2017, @AVALON7 INSTAGRAM PHOTOS, 0
+ Somewhere up there, behind the vail of clouds…#AVALON7 #adventuremore #jhlife www.avalon7.co KINGER, June 2, 2015June 2, 2015, @AVALON7 INSTAGRAM PHOTOS, 0
+ Would you go? @robkingwill on the top of Pucker in the @jacksonhole backcountry. @wintersticksnowboards #fakiesluffpractice #staystoked #snowboarding KINGER, March 7, 2018March 7, 2018, @AVALON7 INSTAGRAM PHOTOS, 0