Wyoming native Cut la Whut is a ripping snowboarder, great artist and sick DJ. We are proud to call...
Vector Equilibrium: R. Buckminster Fuller
KINGER, , EXPAND, SACRED GEOMETRY, SCIENCE, VIDEOS, buckminster fuller, metatron, sacred geometry, 0Buckminster Fuller describes the concept of Vector Equilibrium.
Sometimes I wish that little genius that lives in my studio would just shut up and make more AVALON7...
The Optimist Creed
KINGER, , EXPAND, FUTUREPOSITIV, LIVEACTIVATED, OPTIMISM, POSITIVITY, AVALON7, futurepositiv, larsen, optimism, optimist creed, positivity, 0The Optimist Creed by Christian D. Larsen Promise Yourself To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace...