How to Activate Your Super Conscious Mind! Great Stuff!
KINGER, , EXPAND, FUTUREPOSITIV, KAIZEN, LIVE ACTIVATED VIDEOS, LIVEACTIVATED, VIDEOS, activate, consciousness, creativity, live activated, 0Activate your highest potential.
Stay Stoked Outdoors
KINGER, , ADVENTUREMORE, FUTUREPOSITIV, LIVEACTIVATED, PHILOSOPHY, STOKECLOUD FEATURE, adventure, adventure mindset, adventure scarf, adventuremore, AV7, AVALON7, inspiracon, nepal, we are all adventurers, 0AVALON7 | STAY STOKED OUTDOORS Being STOKED outdoors is at the core of who we are at AVALON7. It...
Hackschooling makes me happy | Logan LaPlante | TEDxUniversityofNevada
KINGER, , FUTUREPOSITIV, KAIZEN, LIVEACTIVATED, PHILOSOPHY, WISDOM, 0This awesome TED talk by 13 year old Logan LaPlante points out that all most of us really want...
AWE- Jason Silva talks about the importance of living your life to the fullest.
KINGER, , FUTUREPOSITIV, JASON SILVA, MINDFULNESS, OPTIMISM, PHILOSOPHY, VIDEOS, WISDOM, 0Jason Silva rules. Live your life in awe and rapture. Or as we say Live Activated! Check out more...
Sonic Geometry: The Language of Frequency and Form 432 cycle
KINGER, , ARTIFACTS OF THE FUTURE, FUTUREPOSITIV, SACRED GEOMETRY, VIDEOS, WISDOM, 0Raise your vibration! Throughout history, numerous clues and hints regarding geometry and frequency have been staring at us, calling...
What Will Your Verse Be? Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society
KINGER, , FUTUREPOSITIV, LIVEACTIVATED, VIDEOS, WISDOM, AVALON7, dead poets society, robin williams, thoreau, whitman, wisdom, 0This movie is one of the most influential films in my life- the philosophy put forth by Robin Williams’...