Jason Silva rules. Live your life in awe and rapture. Or as we say Live Activated! Check out more...
Follow Your Dreams! Jim Carrey explains how important it is to do what you love.
KINGER, , FUTUREPOSITIV, KAIZEN, MINDFULNESS, WISDOM, AVALON7, do what you love, jim carrey, lovelife, wisdom, 0Comedian Jim Carrey gives a commencement speech at Maharashi University and explains how his father inspired him to follow...
If You Learn This, Your Life Will Never Be The Same (Law Of Attraction) Video
KINGER, , FUTUREPOSITIV, KAIZEN, MINDFULNESS, PHILOSOPHY, VIDEOS, WISDOM, AVALON7, earl nightengale, futurepositiv, goals, success, wisdom, 0Find your dream and live deliberately are the words that stand out to me most from this great motivational...
The Dream Of Life – Alan Watts
KINGER, , ALAN WATTS, FUTUREPOSITIV, MINDFULNESS, PHILOSOPHY, WISDOM, alan watts, futurepositiv, philosophy, wisdom, 0Dream a little dream… An inspiring and profound speech from the late Alan Watts. Video by https://www.facebook.com/TragedyandHopeProductions
The Real You – Alan Watts
KINGER, , ALAN WATTS, MINDFULNESS, PHILOSOPHY, WISDOM, alan watts, AVALON7, futurepositiv, philosophy, the real you, wisdom, 0Alan Watts was an amazing philosopher. This is a cool little video featuring one of his lectures.
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To "Live Activated" means to live your life as a fully engaged, creative being, experiencing life to its fullest. Each new day is an opportunity to adventure to new places, create new things and become more conscious on your journey. Never stop progressing!